In lieu of a full, minute-by-minute recap—at least for now—I’ve been thinking about all the great individual moments I had at this year’s TCM Film Festival. From new friends to fun events to magical movie sequences, there were so many little elements that had to come together to create the whole overall experience… and here are a few of my favorites!
Meeting the incredible social producer crew and hearing about all of their amazing ideas—to think, I’d initially been worried that we’d have to be fighting to differentiate ourselves!

Spending Thursday afternoon showing Mini Robert Osborne all the most touristy spots of Hollywood! (Check out his full adventures here.)
Formerly meek housewife Lizabeth Scott knocking on the door of the formerly badass Dan Duryea in Too Late for Tears, after she’s repeatedly demonstrated that she’s NOT one to be trifled with—and the look of pure terror on Duryea’s face as he slowly backs away.
Chuckles from the audience during “The Sultan’s Jester” at The Dawn of Technicolor, when the acrobat bobbles slightly on her first jump… contrasted with our stunned silence as she performs the dazzlingly precise movements afterwards.
The amazingly unsubtle Napoleon Bonaparte “cameo” in Reign of Terror.
Me staring at Edgar Wright for about a half-second too long trying to figure out if he was indeed Edgar Wright. (He was.)
In the Q&A before The Cincinnati Kid, Ann-Margret’s interminable pause between being asked about Steve McQueen’s personality and her ultimate answer: a husky, eyes-closed whisper of “…animalistic.”

Being SO UTTERLY impressed with the incredible abilities of the human body as Buster Keaton parkours five stories to the ground in Steamboat Bill, Jr…. then watching him do the exact same thing going UP, against gravity, a few minutes later.
The female half of the audience breaking into feverish applause at Colleen Moore’s still-relevant speech about the hypocrisy of societal expectations of women in Why Be Good?, from 1929.

Una Merkel’s everything in Don’t Bet On Women.
Jean Hagen in drag in Adam’s Rib!!! (Seriously, can I get the full-length movie of the gender-swapped fantasy sequence, please?)
Miriam Hopkins in fully jazzed up lingerie, turning back to Maurice Chevalier, with a saucy “Oh, this old thing?” grin in The Smiling Lieutenant.
Ginger Rogers lapsing in and out of her hoity toity, affected accent in 42nd Street.
Shirley MacLaine starting her pre-Apartment interview by um, politely requesting that the sound techs fix the feedback.
Edgar Wright chastising the crowd booing the Psycho virgins, advising them to instead be envious that they get to experience the film for the first time.

Having a spare few hours in my schedule and wandering into The Philadelphia Story—where else can this happen but TCM Film Fest?
Wondering which dancer Kiss Me Kate was Bob Fosse… right up until the moment one of them did the Fossiest Fosse move to ever Fosse.
Handing off Mini Robert to his new home… safe travels, Robert!
I’ll have more popping up for the next few days, but for now… these were the moments that made the biggest impressions.
Loved your post. A little flavor of everything!